Seed Sisters
In this lesson, the students learn which veggies are related to one another

In this lesson students will be able to:
Identify the seeds of different veggies
Note the characteristics of seeds that help identify family groups
Know the veggies that are related to each other
Bliss Value: Knowledge comes from inside and outside
Ripe tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, squash
Cut tomatoes, peppers, cucumber and squash into several pieces with seeds in tack
Place a piece of each veggie on a plate, one plate for each group
In the opening circle:
Ask the students how they can identify people who are related (sisters, brothers, mom and daughter, etc)
What makes them the same or different
Talk about the veggies on the plate, comparing characteristics and have them guess which veggies are related
Draw there attention to the shape and size of the seeds and explain that it is the seeds that determine in what family a plant belongs
Ask again if they can determine the veggies that are sisters
The tomatoes and peppers are from the night shade family which also includes eggplant and potatoes.
The cucumbers and squash are in the cucurbit family which contains cucumbers, pumpkins and all varieties of squash
Enjoy eating the veggies (I also bring pumpkin seeds as a snack)
In closing circle:
Ask each student if they learned something new about plant families. What did they like about this lesson?