Five Senses in the Garden
In this lesson, the students observe the garden using the five senses

In this lesson students will be able to:
Identify all five senses
Observe garden sights, sounds, tastes, textures and smells
Bliss Value:
Tickling our senses brings joy to our hearts
An open heart and willingness to learn and explore
Before the lesson, walk through the garden to identify a few things that exemplify the five senses so you can be ready todirect the student's attention to a point of interest.
In the opening circle:
Ask students how we learn about our world. Highlight the various senses by asking directive questions (what sense do you use to describe ice cream, birds, flowers, fresh baked cookies, thistles, etc)
Review each sense and what part of the body is responsible for this sense: sight (eyes), hearing (ears), touch (skin), smell (nose), taste (tongue)
Take a garden walk and let them discover the various elements of the garden using all five senses.
What do you see (colors, shapes,sizes), hear (loud, soft, chirping, street noise), taste (if applicable-sweet, sour, bitter), smell (sweet,minty). What does it feel like? (soft, prickly, bumpy, etc)
If you have a large garden plot have students pair up and collect something that represents each of the senses (hearing is tricky but you might be surprised)
In closing circle:
Ask each student what he/she observed in the garden. What new experience did they have? What did they like or learn?